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Support a Girl

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2020 4:20 pm
by Scrotie McBoogerballs
Why not give the money you were going to spend on your ATF or a girl to help them.

If you planned to go and spend that money then it won't hurt you financially because were going to spend it anyways.

She would not have to split it and she really gets double from you or split it between two girls. The only difference is you can't have sex with her this time.

So let's put our money where are mouths are and show them we truly value and support them.

Re: Support a Girl

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2020 4:36 pm
by SixT9er
So who are you supporting?

Sounds like a good way to get banned & a Lady fired....

Re: Support a Girl

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2020 6:27 pm
by Scrotie McBoogerballs
I understand that the first line is a challenge because the idea is uncomfortable to many people. I don't think I have to post who I would support or who supports anyone. If someone says they did I would have to take them at their word but again no one has to prove anything.

Brothels will be closed and it would be crazy to expect that any girl give them half. I am saying when they close you can support the girls. Do you really think a brothel will know you used Paypal?

Re: Support a Girl

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2020 2:24 am
by Duck11
Keep posting on this thread and they’ll know.

Re: Support a Girl

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2020 6:04 am
by Scrotie McBoogerballs
No they won't. I said if they CLOSE. Brothels can't expect to make money from girls during a pandemic. I'm not going to post about this again unless people want to fight. Not one single positive response pretty much shows what people think.

Re: Support a Girl

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2020 6:14 am
by SixT9er
Well Mcballs many people on this board believe you are using an Alias from your common screen name so don’t feel you are worth conversing with in a legit manner

Re: Support a Girl

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2020 7:26 am
by MrTShirt
SixT9er link wrote: Well Mcballs many people on this board believe you are using an Alias from your common screen name so don’t feel you are worth conversing with in a legit manner
Thumbs up.

Re: Support a Girl

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2020 7:34 am
by isurfer
SixT9er link wrote: Well Mcballs many people on this board believe you are using an Alias from your common screen name so don’t feel you are worth conversing with in a legit manner
I agree.

Re: Support a Girl

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2020 8:49 am
by Scrotie McBoogerballs
We're talking about the girl's financial problems and you guys worry about an alias. I don't need to prove anything to any of you. I guess someone can't come in on a hot topic because you have to be approved by the board.

Just dance around the topic, you aren't going to do it unless you get laid.

Re: Support a Girl

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2020 9:14 am
by rachelvarga
Everybody shut the fuck up!

I'm locking this post before I really get mad. Back home it's fucked and I have a family member that is a nurse. I am worried about and my nieces because hospital parking lots have big tents and they are full to capacity. All they wear is that piece of shit mask. All the girls have problems. Many have family in Europe. It's been slow so it's not like their pockets are overflowing with cash.

Everyone stop reporting posts and stop messaging me over and over. I don't give a shit who Scrotie is. He hasn't broken the rules so don't bother me with this shit.

Scrotie, chill out, the situation is under control. The Mustang is closing. Take a Xanax before you post. Got it? Good.

Re: Support a Girl

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2020 9:23 am
by rachelvarga
It's unlocked. Don't screw it up.

How about some none virus posts to lighten things up?

Re: Support a Girl

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2020 9:38 am
by MrTShirt
Rachel Varga link wrote:
...How about some none virus posts to lighten things up?
See mine on marble racing.

Re: Support a Girl

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2020 10:29 am
by Vanityaffair
I think the closes thing to social distancing is being with the 26 incher right now.
XO Vanity

Re: Support a Girl

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2020 10:35 am
by rachelvarga
Vanityaffair link wrote: I think the closes thing to social distancing is being with the 26 incher right now.
XO Vanity
Hahaha, Girl, I love you!

Re: Support a Girl

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2020 3:56 pm
by SixT9er
Since Rachel is leaving this open I will address it seriously
As I said in a different topic I wasn’t planning a trip for another month so in that regard this doesn’t apply now but could if this drags on.
It’s suggested that you take the $ you would have spent & send it to your favorite Lady or Ladies. Setting aside the potential issues between Lady/House & Client/House I think that is great if you are in a Position to do so.
I’d like to point out tho that Ladies are not the only ones out of work at the moment. Many Guys save weeks/months for their Brothel trips & now they may be out of work or their jobs cut back significantly & need that $ to get thru until things get back to normal.
Don’t suggest clients don’t care because they don’t “help out” the Ladies. I find that offensive & very ignorant. There are many cards in play & until you’ve lived in another’s situation don’t assume you know what they are going thru or have gone thru.

I’ve said my peace...

Re: Support a Girl

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2020 4:38 pm
by rachelvarga
The original intention of this post was good but to be truthful it turned to shit bcause people were obsessed with a new poster. I don't think anything good was added to this post and that's a shame. Looks like everyone got mad when I said to shut the fuck up. If that upset you will have to take it up with your therapist.

I really don't care who scrotie is. It's so funny. Maybe he's one of you! That would be the funniest thing. I suspect that he is one of you and did that to say what he wanted without getting banned from a brothel. He didm't attack anyone so I question if he is someone because sock puppets are usually made to cause issues. Who really gives a crap anyways.

Now I will lock this post because it's shit. A turd. Fesces, poop, and crap.