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Biden Cough

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2020 12:12 pm
by rachelvarga
I saw an interview with Biden where coughed a couple times into his hand and the interviewer told him he was doing it wrong.

The opposition will have a field day with those coughs.

I'm not saying my stance. Please be nice to each other.

Re: Biden Cough

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2020 12:21 pm
by Boone
Not sure I can be nice so I will be silent.

Re: Biden Cough

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2020 12:25 pm
by rachelvarga
I can't cay anything because people are so political they would probably not choose a girl over it.

Re: Biden Cough

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2020 12:55 pm
by Florida Couple
Rachel Varga link wrote: I can't cay anything because people are so political they would probably not choose a girl over it.
You’re not wrong.  I won’t touch politics with a 10 foot poll due to my business.  The Mrs is super opinionated  :(

Re: Biden Cough

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2020 1:32 pm
by TC
I will save the opposition time.


[Biden/liberals hate America here]
[AOC/The Squad jab here]
[How the cough was actually Obama's fault here]

The End

(Meant in fun)

Re: Biden Cough

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2020 2:45 pm
by rachelvarga
I think it's interesting, I do know who I want to see debate really bad. Bernie and Trump. They are both combatant. Think about how epic it would be.

Re: Biden Cough

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2020 2:56 pm
by rachelvarga
When I'm on twitter people are hysterical both. Just hateful and say the dumbest things both ways. It shows a total lack of understand of how the goverment or military worked. I read a lot when working on my citizenship.

A candidate can promise anything and first time presidents like Trump and Obama think they are going to roll in and start cracking heads but they find out that they can barely do anything. Both Presidents probably thought, "what the have I gotten myself into? "

At one time there were two party tickets.  Not sure if that is the right word but each candidate picked someone from the opposing party as their vice president running mate. So much better, the losing party is not totally pissed and they get some things done.

Re: Biden Cough

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2020 5:07 pm
by rachelvarga
There is so much media and they pander to the people that believe everything Sanders is a communist to Trump is Satan.  One thing I ca  commnt on is this. Sanders is not a communist. His policies are democratic socialist which is very different in many ways. Trump is not Satan or crazy like people say. It's the paranoid extreme views that create so much noise.

Re: Biden Cough

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2020 10:44 pm
by Chicagobob
Rachel Varga link wrote: I can't cay anything because people are so political they would probably not choose a girl over it.
Smart lady!  Why alienate 50% of your potential clients? 

Re: Biden Cough

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2020 12:01 am
by rachelvarga
Chicagobob link wrote: Smart lady!  Why alienate 50% of your potential clients?
I would never tell who I would vote for. I can tell both sides strengths and weakness. Okay so lets look at the Democratic nominees and which I would pick. Doesnt mean I will vote for them or a republican. Just an observation.

Bernie is no bullshit guy. His positions have been the same for decades. He wants to take on many industries that rip off Americans, like pharma,  and so on. He is a democrat socialist so that makes me weary but a President can't get anything done without Congress so all of that is tempered.

Biden I don't like. He switches positions and seems to be a little handsy. At that debate he would just stare with fake smile. He did one thing wrong. He committed to a female vice president. He did that to counter Sanders question on why he voted on a specific bill. You should pick the best qualified. He just comes off swarmy. So Sanders I would pick out of the two. Even though he is socialist.

Now Trump has no opposition in his party but if he did I wonder who would be best in a fight for nomination. I don't know enough so tell me what Republican should have tried to take the nomination. I'm curious.

Again. I'm not saying which party I am voting for. I migt just write in Santa Clause. My first American voting this time around.