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The Anti-Prostitute Challenge

Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2020 1:34 am
by rachelvarga
I wonder if the anti-prostitution advocates read this.

I challenge any of them to register. Yes, you will get hammered, but if you truly believe in your cause you will fight for it.

Email me if you like. I would like to hear what you have to say.


Re: The Anti-Prostitute Challenge

Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2020 3:48 am
by sgtaliin9150
I wanted to chime in on this one, but I wasn't sure how to approach it due to... reasons.

Just because society says something is bad, doesn't mean it is.
Ingrained, perceived ideas and morals CAN be overcome.
Do some damn research with an open mind before you judge.

Re: The Anti-Prostitute Challenge

Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2020 4:44 am
by Cobia
Chuckar chaser link wrote: Everything I get involved in there is a group of useless assholes trying to stop it. Most of the people have no idea of the complete truth of what they are trying to stop.

I would more than welcome the anti brothel folks on here maybe they can get some education.

Good one !!

Re: The Anti-Prostitute Challenge

Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2020 5:25 am
by G
Yea it seems like every hobby I have there is a anti opposition group.  I just keep on doing what I do and ignore the idiots because I know I am not hurting myself or anyone else.

Re: The Anti-Prostitute Challenge

Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2020 5:33 am
by SixT9er

Re: The Anti-Prostitute Challenge

Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2020 8:07 am
by Duck11
This is how you turn people who were once religious against their own followers.

I’m not anti religion. Believe what you want to believe, but don’t go around forcing your beliefs on others.

And no just because you speak the loudest does not mean you are correct.

If you are using religion as your platform to be anti brothel and have the brothels shutdown. I ask what about all the sins committed by priests that are being reported now. If the people spouting off against industries taking advantage of innocent people to commit sins, then why are they not shutting down churches that have been caught?

Re: The Anti-Prostitute Challenge

Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2020 8:21 am
by MrTShirt
This lady has nothing to do with religion.
She is simply off her meds, filled with hate, and trying to feel important.
She should be arrested to cool off for 30 days.

Re: The Anti-Prostitute Challenge

Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2020 10:47 am
by Florida Couple
I’m agnostic... would like to believe but, just can’t. Mrs is spiritual but, not religious.  I’ve been around people like that... ughhhh. 

Re: The Anti-Prostitute Challenge

Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2020 2:05 pm
by rachelvarga
MABretAF link wrote: Just typing off the top of my head here, so take my post with a grain of salt.

Hopefully the "anti" zealots will not flood this forum. Many of those people are not given to rational discourse, just "God says so" and "We love you and want to save your soul." (I always remind Christians that Jesus CHOSE to 'hang around' with a prostitute, not a politician.) Then there are the ones who threaten violence, because they're trying to save "kidnapped" children who are forced into this "evil" profession.

Anyway, Rachel, as an educated law-degree holder, I'm certain you're more than capable of making the case for LPIN and beyond, but I doubt if these 'anti's' will listen. Also, I doubt that many people who are on the fence about legal prostitution will visit this forum to engage in such a discussion; so not many converts there. 

Maybe another site (reddit perhaps) could be set up for the 'discussion.' That would probably reach a wider audience. [Moderation would be a major bitch, though.]

Rachel, just a thought but, have you ever considered becoming a lawyer for LPIN? I bet that YOU could have a positive impact on both the public's and the politician's opinions. You're great looking (just in case you didn't realize that), articulate, well-educated and have a law degree; plus you're an actual courtesan - you're perfect for something like this. The sexy courtesan-lawyer for LPIN. That sounds like  potential PR bonanza. Hell, you might become famous as an LPIN lawyer. Or, if not for LPIN, per se, maybe consider hanging a shingle out as a "lawyer for the courtesans." Just some thoughts.

Obviously, this was just my opinion, and in this post are the ramblings an "unsolicited advice-giver" (me.)  ;)

Us law is different than most countries. It is a unique system and you would have to learn everything. Law is boring so I finished my degree and did something else. I've had years of Latin and I can still read a lot of it but that is something you have to use to retain. I really wouldn't want to do anything with lpin because the plain truth is that it just cannot be changed. Prostitution is something no government official will touch. An audit in 2017 showed 70+ violations and the Sheriff admitted they had not checked the work cards since 1990. There is an article about a former officer that was told to leave Hof alone when he went in to inspect and saw a book on outdated and reported some violations.

This shit goes on and on and on. Multiple allegations of sexual abuse. Why would girls hate on him so much. Jealousy? Seriously? Look I saw his wanted rapist buddy hanging out there for two fucking weeks. Two weeks. I sat right at the table and talked to him. When I quit I told Hof why I quit, I told him that he put me in danger by letting a wanted rapist hang out. I wanted to write a post about it but I don't want to have them bitch at any girls for coming her?. It doesn't matter because people think he is the greatest thing in the world. I can't see how a person could be that stupid.

When I leave lpin I will probably write a book about my entire experience working in the brothel industry.

Re: The Anti-Prostitute Challenge

Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2020 9:54 pm
by Prospector Bob
Was that Beulah Balbricker?

Re: The Anti-Prostitute Challenge

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2020 3:28 am
by SixT9er
Prospector Bob link wrote: Was that Beulah Balbricker?
In real life! Lol