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Sidewinder / Sheep / Rachel / Off The Rails

Posted: Sun May 03, 2020 7:16 pm
by rachelvarga
One thing I love about forums is when a post goes off the rails. I mean any forum, even here. ... #msg412240

I thought it would be okay to make a few comments about this post. It's not mean spirited or anythging so bare (or is it bear?) with me.

The subject line was pretty standard and then it was about sheep. I love a surprise. I saw that video not long ago. My Grandfather was mayor of their town before communism. He had about 200 sheep. It amazes me that they ar so easily directed. Here are the dogs we use. There are only two breeders in the US and I really want one but I would need a really big shovel to clean the crap in the yard. They can get really big too. I mean the dog.


Would Sidewinder last more than a week here? That is a good question. I will look at some of his posts and give my verdict. The last 20 posts seemed okay. I don't know. Who knows? Anybody here can post there. I don't even think about it and anyone there can post here. The forums are different. He can come and post anytime and see what happens.

That board goes back years, probaby decades and many people on there have disliked each other for most of that time. Certain people will always fight and go after each other. I'm not sure if they even remember what started certain members not liking each other. I think I had a few tit for tats with Sidey but I don't remember and if I don't remember then it was probably nothing. Sidey has almost 36,000 posts with the next person only have 18,000. So at least he is generating conversation.

I did have a few people say they couldn't post here because basically they get pissed off and can't fight. A forum is more than that. If you go on any forum and all you do it fight you need to see a therapist to work out some anger issues.

It is true that the off topic and general discussion blend together here. I think that there is only so much to say about lpin and that so much is rehashed. What do we talk about? I mean how many ways can we discuss a party. It's been done to death. People love Ass and Boobs and if the people want ass and boobs then I give the people what they want. Lol!

Nothing critical here. Just some conversation because I can't think or any lpin posts. Hahaha


I didn't spellcheck this because it is 1 am and I don't really give a shit. Back to sleep.

Re: Sidewinder / Sheep / Rachel / Off The Rails

Posted: Mon May 04, 2020 12:58 am
by Chicagobob
First and foremost, "Bear with me" is correct!  Good girl! 
To "bare with me" is to get naked with me.  :P

Thanks for posting that pic of those beautiful sheep dogs!  You really know how to push my buttons!

Sidey brings a lot to the table.  I like his style, wit, and humor.  He also received 8 up arrows on that post!

BTW, your camel toe is awesome!  :P

Re: Sidewinder / Sheep / Rachel / Off The Rails

Posted: Mon May 04, 2020 2:58 am
by TC
I am a big fan of sidey. He honestly gives zero fucks.

Re: Sidewinder / Sheep / Rachel / Off The Rails

Posted: Mon May 04, 2020 4:34 am
by Duck11
Sidey posts stuff that gets me thinking. He does backup what he says with links. If I don’t agree with what he says I just move on. The whole counter argument of him not being in a brothel for years is the biggest cop-out thats overly used.

Re: Sidewinder / Sheep / Rachel / Off The Rails

Posted: Mon May 04, 2020 5:58 am
by MrTShirt
“Of course, I'm not always right---Just always opinionated.”  - Sidewinder

Re: Sidewinder / Sheep / Rachel / Off The Rails

Posted: Mon May 04, 2020 7:38 am
by TC
I agree with Duck that people get too hung up on him not having visited a brothel in years. Who cares? He knew Dennis Hof from when Dennis was a client. His perspective is unique. Also he is in a good position to be critical and say things a lot of people think but don't want to admit for fear of pissing off brothel staff/providers.

Yes, he wants cheap pussy. Again, who cares? He articulates his opinion well and generally makes sure to say he still supports brothels and the right for an IC to charge whatever she wants whether it's $25 or $2500. He just isn't going to be the guy who spends $2500. Why this is interpreted by some as anti-LPIN and advocating the closing of all brothels I don't understand.

He is never abusive. The worst thing he has called people in fight club is "troll", and he reserves it for people who respond to literally every single thing he posts just to tell him he is full of shit.

I don't know why the guy has spent decades frequenting a brothel board to post daily about politics to a small group of people who completely disagree with him. I assume he thinks it is fun. I don't get it myself, but whatever floats your boat.

Re: Sidewinder / Sheep / Rachel / Off The Rails

Posted: Mon May 04, 2020 5:52 pm
by UtahJim
I really find it as no big deal that Sidey no longer frequents the houses. He's an older guy. He probably considers himself retired from that! I consider Sidewinder as-

Insightful: an accurate and knowledgeable understanding of a topic.    Others, who shall remain nameless-
Inciteful: one who incites, rouses, stirs up or inflames.

I enjoy reading his posts and value his opinions. :)

Re: Sidewinder / Sheep / Rachel / Off The Rails

Posted: Tue May 05, 2020 2:31 am
by Chicagobob
I think Sidney needs a little incentive to join us.  Ladies?    ;D