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#MeToo Movement Ended?

Posted: Mon May 04, 2020 11:43 am
by MrTShirt
Looks like all the #MeToo women are silent when a Democrat is caught.

When Kavanaugh was accused he was automatically guilty and we were supposed to believe the women.

But when Biden is accused he is automatically innocent and we were supposed to believe Biden and disregard the women.

Looks like women understand they are supposed to shut up if the attacker is a Democrat.

Re: #MeToo Movement Ended?

Posted: Mon May 04, 2020 12:17 pm
by Florida Couple
Oh no... politics on a brothel board  : :) .  I hate politics.  Me too is silent and hypocritical... similar to the tea party no saying shit or holding rally’s when trump ran up huge deficits even pre-covid.  Hypocrisy doesn’t follow party lines, people live on bubbles and listen and seek out those who agree with their world views.  The reason we avoid politics.

Re: #MeToo Movement Ended?

Posted: Mon May 04, 2020 12:25 pm
by MrTShirt
Phoenix link wrote: Oh no... politics on a brothel board  : :) .  I hate politics.  Me too is silent and hypocritical... similar to the tea party no saying shit or holding rally’s when trump ran up huge deficits even pre-covid.  Hypocrisy doesn’t follow party lines, people live on bubbles and listen and seek out those who agree with their world views.  The reason we avoid politics.
1)  It is "Off Topic".

2)  Address the question.  Don't sidestep the issue.

Re: #MeToo Movement Ended?

Posted: Mon May 04, 2020 12:33 pm
by Florida Couple
MrTShirt link wrote: 1)  It is "Off Topic".

2)  Address the question.  Don't sidestep the issue.
Read the beginning of the third sentence.  They’re all hypocrites.

Re: #MeToo Movement Ended?

Posted: Mon May 04, 2020 1:37 pm
by Cobia
MrTShirt link wrote: Looks like all the #MeToo women are silent when a Democrat is caught.

When Kavanaugh was accused he was automatically guilty and we were supposed to believe the women.

But when Biden is accused he is automatically innocent and we were supposed to believe Biden and disregard the women.

Looks like women understand they are supposed to shut up if the attacker is a Democrat.

Shit here we go...…….

Re: #MeToo Movement Ended?

Posted: Mon May 04, 2020 6:27 pm
by rachelvarga
Don't get mad at what I say. I did not grow up here so my view is from a very different perspective with politics and I don't know the years of history with the political parties. I read a lot when I can.

Everything will be fine if we keep out cool and remember that those politicians we fight about and the platforms we believe in are all bullshit that it is simply If I can persuade enough people to follow me then I will be an important person. Pretty much what humans do on a daily basis. All issues are pushed left or right. It is hard to be common sense. Just because you're a democrat it doesn't mean you are against guns. Plenty are not. Just because you are republican it doesn't automatically mean that you are in the NRA or even believe in the second amendment.

Media all over the world believe the American media is firmly planted in the liberal camp. It is very obvious to anyone that the majority of the media are biased against the right. It's just not debatable. Does the media protect Biden? More than likely.

I don't really care for Trump because he makes us look bad and other things but he's not evil it's a bad case of narcissism and he won't listen to reason. Wishing Kim Jong Un well really pissed me off and that is a severe lack of judgment. Wishing well a communist dictator in a regime that has killed millions and brutally punishes three generations of families for speaking out is disgraceful. That regime should have been destroyed a long time ago.

I don't like Biden because he is a SIMP. He goes on and on about how he is all for women and when guys go overboard with it then it starts to sound weird. He is creepy. Always smelling women's hair and putting his hand on their shoulder. In all his political life someone has told him that looks bad but he can't help himself.

So it's all garbage. The question is who could replace him on the ticket if you had a choice and who would you pick for Republican over Trump. Either way you are getting four years of shit so at least you can dream.

I am going to crucified for this but I think Cuomo with Sanders as his vice is better. Cuomo can handle pressure and get things done. Sanders is very social but he does want to go after a lot of things but could get only one maybe two done that will be watered down in the end. As VP he can't get that much done. "Look, I don't deal well with bullshit." Hahah

Republican: You guys fill me in because I don't know what some good choices are.

Re: #MeToo Movement Ended?

Posted: Mon May 04, 2020 10:29 pm
by sgtaliin9150
Rachel Varga link wrote: Republican: You guys fill me in because I don't know what some good choices are.
I don't generally get involved with discussions about politics because no one seems to be able to have a rational discussion without becoming abrasive and hostile.

On the Republican side, no one. Too much corruption. There hasn't been a good choice in over 30 years. I'd like to see another JFK, and he wasn't even a Republican. It's not about party lines, it's individual polices and beliefs that earn my vote. I don't hate Trump like others do, but wishing North Korea's dictator well is just stupid.

Re: #MeToo Movement Ended?

Posted: Tue May 05, 2020 4:18 pm
by rachelvarga
Each candidate should have to pick a candidate from the opposite party as their vice president pick. Winning party wins but losing party still gets some part to play. Seems to make sense to me.