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Road trip to a brothel In the 23rd century?

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2020 6:51 am
by Ironman
Star Trek fans really have 2 much time on their hands. But after I saw this I remembered Fumblenuts and Chicago Bob consider themselves the blues brothers of LPIN

If you ever watched STNG in that fictional Star Trek Universe The  United Federation of Planets Would be governed similar to the United States which would make the planet of Risa like Nevada. This meme actually would have worked better if it included Commander Riker he went to Risa often as well, but either way it still works. Chicago Bob and Fumblenuts making a brothel run In the 23rd century it must be during awards weekend??

For the record I didn't create this. I found it on Facebook in a Star Trek group I follow.

I am just setting up a story line on here you all can relate to.????


Re: Road trip to a brothel In the 23rd century?

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2020 11:36 am
by rachelvarga
Bounces right into a star. Game over.

Re: Road trip to a brothel In the 23rd century?

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2020 11:42 am
by rachelvarga
No, they get to the future and the pandemic is still here, none are open, forums are still here and still people are posting theories and asking when they will open. My descendants are fighting with the descendent of the SIN board. Warfare reigns. Hahahaha

Oh, Lord Yeah! Guess song and I will send you nude photos of me.

Not really.



What is wrong with this girl. Tease can't make up her mind!

Re: Road trip to a brothel In the 23rd century?

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2020 5:37 pm
by Ironman
Rachel Varga link wrote: No, they get to the future and the pandemic is still here, none are open, forums are still here and still people are posting theories and asking when they will open. My descendants are fighting with the descendent of the the other forum board. Warfare reigns. Hahahaha

Oh, Lord Yeah! Guess song and I will send you nude photos of me.

Not really.



What is wrong with this girl. Tease can't make up her mind!

You could be right Miss Rachel. I'm a  lousy guesser. Besides I would feel bad if I took anything for free. I would just pay you for the naked pictures if I wanted them.bad enough. Its just easier that way.

Thanks for replying dumb little topic.pee lady.?