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When are you wasting a lady's time?

Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2020 2:40 am
When I was going to the brothels, I was always upfront about my intentions while at the brothel. If I wasn't going to party, I said so.  Many times, I would just be on a scouting mission to see who was available in order to come back later for a party. I figured once I had made it clear I wasn't going to party, if the women still hung around, that was her choice and I was not wasting her time.  The reason I brought this up is I remember a working woman telling me a story about a well known poster at the time who she said lead her on as if he was going to party with her and wasted a good amount of her time only to leave without partying at all. What about guys who contact ladies through email or PM and keep asking questions as if they are interested when all they really want is cyber conversation with a working woman? I always think honesty is the best policy and this is not aimed at fellers who really are interested in having a party.

However, when are you wasting a working woman's time?

Re: When are you wasting a lady's time?

Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2020 3:40 am
by Cobia
I have heard of a guy that goes to a house and just hangs out, gets drunk, expects a free room and doesn't party.

Re: When are you wasting a lady's time?

Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2020 5:54 am
by Duck11
I’ve seen it too many times when guys are just talking and have no intentions of partying. I was once interested in a lady but she was busy talking to 2 guys who wouldn’t let her go. The bartender caught on to this and told the guys that they need to either go to the negotiating room or let her talk to other people.
We did party after she left those guys and she came up to me immediately after to talk. I had a great time with her. She was annoyed with those guys, because they kept promising they would party but never made any move to head to negotiations. They didn’t even offer to buy her a drink the whole time they were there.

Re: When are you wasting a lady's time?

Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2020 8:04 am
by G
Is there a name for this behavior?  I know of window shopping but I was thinking there has to be brothel specific term.

Re: When are you wasting a lady's time?

Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2020 11:15 am
by Cobia
G link wrote: Is there a name for this behavior?  I know of window shopping but I was thinking there has to be brothel specific term.

;D ;D......I have a name for it but I would get kicked off here.

Re: When are you wasting a lady's time?

Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2020 2:42 pm
by Dr. Who
Duck11 link wrote: I’ve seen it too many times when guys are just talking and have no intentions of partying. I was once interested in a lady but she was busy talking to 2 guys who wouldn’t let her go. The bartender caught on to this and told the guys that they need to either go to the negotiating room or let her talk to other people.
We did party after she left those guys and she came up to me immediately after to talk. I had a great time with her. She was annoyed with those guys, because they kept promising they would party but never made any move to head to negotiations. They didn’t even offer to buy her a drink the whole time they were there.
I've seen guys do the same thing on a number of occasion at both the southern and northern houses.  They have no intention on partying and they string the ladies along while potential customers who are at the brothel to party may be waiting for those ladies to become available. 

I recall on a couple of occasions, I waited around for a lady to become available when she was chatting with a guy.  It was pretty obvious they weren't going to party.  One time, my ATF was busy talking to a guy and he was another time waster.  When she saw me sitting at the bar, she excused herself to come over to say hello to me.  Needless to say, we ran off to her room to party ...LOL as that old saying goes, "if you snooze, you lose".

Re: When are you wasting a lady's time?

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2020 4:39 am
by Ironman
SIDEWINDER link wrote: When I was going to the brothels, I was always upfront about my intentions while at the brothel. If I wasn't going to party, I said so.  Many times, I would just be on a scouting mission to see who was available in order to come back later for a party. I figured once I had made it clear I wasn't going to party, if the women still hung around, that was her choice and I was not wasting her time.  The reason I brought this up is I remember a working woman telling me a story about a well known poster at the time who she said lead her on as if he was going to party with her and wasted a good amount of her time only to leave without partying at all. What about guys who contact ladies through email or PM and keep asking questions as if they are interested when all they really want is cyber conversation with a working woman? I always think honesty is the best policy and this is not aimed at fellers who really are interested in having a party.

However, when are you wasting a working woman's time?
If you are in the building, and you make it clear you are not going to party on that visit, or you don't plan on doing so for X number of hours, and she chooses to stay and talk you are not waisting her time.
I have been in a brothel several times where I made it clear I was not booking that night, or if I did it would maybe be 4 hours later.

On several. ocassions the lady would sit down anyway for a while. I am sure the theory was maybe she would become the front runner when I was ready rather it be the next night or 4  hours later. They wouldn't sit the whole time just long  enough to know if they were the front runner. In most cases the girl that chose to sit and talk eventually got me to book maybe it was 4 hours later maybe it was the next night/visit.  2016 Rea at Mustang first girl to say hi she sat for a while when I was finally ready 4 hours later I booked with her.

2018 Mustang Tori I had already booked that night but we talked for a while in the bar anyway, my next trip 9 weeks later I booked with her.

September 19 I am in town for two nights I go to mustang just to hang out. Charlotte whom I already had history with chose to sit and talk with me because it was slow.

She got coffee and a promise when I returned the next night I would book her.

The next night I came in told her I was going to hang out for a while I was sleepy. But come 2 30 an if I was still in the bar and she was not busy with someone else come wake my ass up. We would then book. It was busier that night she booked once or twice but about 2 15 am I see her poke her head out from behind the green door.  A little after 2 30 she comes out and we booked.

So you are only waisting the girls time in two building if you are no upfront.  If you are just doing recon tell them right away if they choose to sit and talk for 20 30 minutes even an hour to make herself the front runner for when you are ready that is her choice. As long as you are honest with her what your intentions are at that moment its fine.

If however you talk her ear off for an hour without telling her you are not going to book,but make her think you will then you are an ass hole. Be honest upfront give the lady the right to choose rather or not she wants to sit and talk for a while knowing full well it will not lead to a party at that time. She can then excuse herself or talk for a while in the hope it will lead  to  a party next time you too cross paths.Rather it be hours later. The next day or weeks maybe months later. At least you were honest with her, and gave her a choice on how she would spend her time.

You are only waisting her time if you are not honest with your intentions upfront.

Re: When are you wasting a lady's time?

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2020 11:39 am
by rachelvarga
You are wasting my time when you purposely set out to take it for free. I have been working on the Internet for a long time and I know the signs of when you are trying to just get off for free. In person if you waste my time I promise other girls are going to know real quick you area time waster. Then you wasted your own time.

I mean we all know the signs.

Re: When are you wasting a lady's time?

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2020 12:24 pm
by Chicagobob
It goes both ways...

I've had a few lady's waste my time by coming on hard, then quote me some ridiculous price on a party thinking they could talk me up.  My mongering time is precious to me

Re: When are you wasting a lady's time?

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2020 1:41 pm
by Funmonger
Yea sure, Professor Bobby, it is a waste of your time for a girl to put her hands around your waist and then not make you a reasonable offer.

Re: When are you wasting a lady's time?

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2020 3:15 pm
by Chicagobob
Funmonger link wrote: Yea sure, Professor Bobby, it is a waste of your time for a girl to put her hands around your waist and then not make you a reasonable offer.
Ha!  Good catch! 
So, is it truly or truely?

Re: When are you wasting a lady's time?

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2020 3:40 pm
by Funmonger
Robert, you overrate my wordsmith ability. I think Rachel is "truly" beautiful. Does that make me a whatever that word was?

I wish I could go to TJ with you blokes.

Re: When are you wasting a lady's time?

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2020 4:08 pm
by Chicagobob
Funmonger link wrote: Robert, you overrate my wordsmith ability. I think Rachel is "truly" beautiful. Does that make me a whatever that word was?

I wish I could go to TJ with you blokes.
C'mon down!  Starts next Tuesday...