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Mustang Ranch GoFundMe Fundraiser

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2020 8:44 am
by Adventure Guy
For those interested Mustang Ranch has the following GoFundMe fundraiser started by Jennifer Barnes ... hare-sheet

Re: Mustang Ranch GoFundMe Fundraiser

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2020 8:50 am
by Cobia
Hope everyone chips in.

Remember the free rooms , drinks and other free things........

Re: Mustang Ranch GoFundMe Fundraiser

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2020 11:38 am
by Ironman
I got the email no job here☹ and my area is now back at step one . Which means every place that might hire me including  my old job is closed again.? poasibly for good in the case of some businesses.? In other words I have my own problems. So I  chose to ignore the email.  But hopefully those that are able to help will consider doing so.

In other words Cobia open up your wallet.??

Re: Mustang Ranch GoFundMe Fundraiser

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2020 12:18 pm
by Cobia
Ironman link wrote: I got the email no job here☹ and my area is now back at step one . Which means every place that might hire me including  my old job is closed again.? poasibly for good in the case of some businesses.? In other words I have my own problems. So I  chose to ignore the email.  But hopefully those that are able to help will consider doing so.

In other words Cobia open up your wallet.??


Re: Mustang Ranch GoFundMe Fundraiser

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2020 1:13 pm
by Ironman
Cobia link wrote:

We all know you are a hillbilly billionaire.??

Re: Mustang Ranch GoFundMe Fundraiser

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2020 9:50 pm
by OldNick999
I donated what I was able to. I wish I could do more.

Re: Mustang Ranch GoFundMe Fundraiser

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2020 11:17 pm
by Prospector Bob
I sent a donation.  :)

Re: Mustang Ranch GoFundMe Fundraiser

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2020 4:45 am
Well, at the chance of pissing some/many off here's my opinion. Jennifer is trying to spin this into a woman's rights issue. It is not. It's about a deadly virus that is sweeping America and wiping out families.  Pay to fight legal fees? For what? Trying to overturn being shut down?  And as if being shut down is a way to put working women out of business or ruin their ability to make a living? It's a deadly virus that does not discriminate.  This Virus does not know any difference between a nun or a working woman. It also would not know the difference between a preacher or a brothel customer.  It attacks everyone.  I do feel sorry for all people who've lost incomes because of the virus and that includes working women.  Perhaps this attempt at raising money should have been aimed more at helping the working women.  Help pay Lance's legal fees?  Last time I looked, Lance wasn't exactly wondering if he would have a place to live or going to the local food bank.  I'll bet Lance spends more on one meal in a Restaurant then I spend in 3 weeks on groceries.  Sorry Fellers/Felleretts  if I pissed some off but that's exactly the way I feel.

Re: Mustang Ranch GoFundMe Fundraiser

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2020 5:00 am
by G
I understand Sidewinder where some of your thinking is coming from and think it would have been better to post your thoughts on a separate topic rather than muddy this one up.

The only thing I will add to this post is that, regardless if there is a pandemic or not, regardless if it is legal or not there will still be a demand for escorts and courtesans and I believe the Mustang Ranch is trying their best to give the ladies a safe alternative.

Re: Mustang Ranch GoFundMe Fundraiser

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2020 9:39 am
by Funmonger
G, I respectfully disagree with your post saying that Sidewinder should have started a new thread. I think his response is relevant to this thread. They are asking for help for the ladies but also for taxes too. Many businesses and jobs are impacted across the nation. I agree that the focus should be on first helping the ladies who are out of work and cannot collect unemployment. Still, they are obviously trying to keep the Mustang open for whenever it reopens. I also agree with Sidewinder that the virus does not know the difference between a preacher and a brothel goer, except that they might in some cases be the same person, just to lighten things up a little.

Re: Mustang Ranch GoFundMe Fundraiser

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2020 12:38 pm
by Ironman
SIDEWINDER link wrote: Well, at the chance of pissing some/many off here's my opinion. Jennifer is trying to spin this into a woman's rights issue. It is not. It's about a deadly virus that is sweeping America and wiping out families.  Pay to fight legal fees? For what? Trying to overturn being shut down?  And as if being shut down is a way to put working women out of business or ruin their ability to make a living? It's a deadly virus that does not discriminate.  This Virus does not know any difference between a nun or a working woman. It also would not know the difference between a preacher or a brothel customer.  It attacks everyone.  I do feel sorry for all people who've lost incomes because of the virus and that includes working women.  Perhaps this attempt at raising money should have been aimed more at helping the working women.  Help pay Lance's legal fees?  Last time I looked, Lance wasn't exactly wondering if he would have a place to live or going to the local food bank.  I'll bet Lance spends more on one meal in a Restaurant then I spend in 3 weeks on groceries.  Sorry Fellers/Felleretts  if I pissed some off but that's exactly the way I feel.
I actually agree with probably 99 percent of what you said in that post.