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Has everyone just gone crazy?
Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2021 5:09 am
This fool walks into a Kroger owned grocery store in Colorado and just starts shooting people he don't even know?
BTW: I don't know what the answer is but what we're doing now isn't working. Other countries don't have near the number of mass shootings as in the U.S. [/size]
Re: Has everyone just gone crazy?
Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2021 6:21 am
by Cobia
It would help if they would bring back the death penalty. Judges now days let them off easy.
The shooters name is Ahmad Al Issa and he is from Syria............think about that a minute.
Re: Has everyone just gone crazy?
Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2021 8:41 am
by rachelvarga
Too many innocent people have been released from death row which means innocent people have been put to death. Plus there is no way to know if it deters murder. Most likely it doesn't. I believe that some people deserve to die but not in a system where innocent people die along with them. It doesn't work. It only satisfies us emotionally.
How to stop mass shootings? Well gun control will not work. Do we really believe a population with 300 million weapons will give them up? No one is giving up shit so that's a no go and just political posturing.
These shootings are a social issue. All the turmoil in our society that is constantly churned through politics are part of the issue. The focus on individualism and not on family has brought narcicissm to a new level. So many shootings were people starting or stopping legal drugs for mental conditions. No one dares oppose the pharmaceutical lobby. The most powerful lobby in Washington. The glorified violence in movies and tv. The insane amount of violence in video games.
People will fight you tooth and nail on video games. Quote study after study saying they are fine but flawed. The game industry makes more money than Hollywood.
Can you honestly say that a population of kids constantly exposed to violence is not going to have aggression issues?
The problem is society is all about me me me. I am special.
Re: Has everyone just gone crazy?
Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2021 10:57 am
by dyanadyamonds
SIDEWINDER link wrote:
This fool walks into a Kroger owned grocery store in Colorado and just starts shooting people he don't even know?
BTW: I don't know what the answer is but what we're doing now isn't working. Other countries don't have near the number of mass shootings as in the U.S. [/size]
I'm here in Atlanta and those shootings were to close to home. I live about 30 minutes north of where that took place.
It breaks my heart to just days after it happens again in Colorado. I don't know what this country is coming to. It breaks my heart. No one deserves that. That is why I'm heading to Mexico in a few years. God willing, I'm still alive. Please be safe.
All my love,
Dyana Dyamonds
Re: Has everyone just gone crazy?
Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2021 11:28 am
by Wildfire
Rachel Varga link wrote:
Too many innocent people have been released from death row which means innocent people have been put to death. Plus there is no way to know if it deters murder. Most likely it doesn't. I believe that some people deserve to die but not in a system where innocent people die along with them. It doesn't work. It only satisfies us emotionally.
How to stop mass shootings? Well gun control will not work. Do we really believe a population with 300 million weapons will give them up? No one is giving up shit so that's a no go and just political posturing.
These shootings are a social issue. All the turmoil in our society that is constantly churned through politics are part of the issue. The focus on individualism and not on family has brought narcicissm to a new level. So many shootings were people starting or stopping legal drugs for mental conditions. No one dares oppose the pharmaceutical lobby. The most powerful lobby in Washington. The glorified violence in movies and tv. The insane amount of violence in video games.
People will fight you tooth and nail on video games. Quote study after study saying they are fine but flawed. The game industry makes more money than Hollywood.
Can you honestly say that a population of kids constantly exposed to violence is not going to have aggression issues?
The problem is society is all about me me me. I am special.
I agree Rachel that gun control won't work.!
But the current anti-freedom socialist-communist democrat government is going to try everything it can to confiscate every gun in this country and at the same time refusing to control immigration. The only guns that will be left in the country if they get their way are the ones used by the government stormtroopers to protect the dictators and to if control everyone else in this country.
Laws really don't stop any crime. Murdering 10 people was already a crime.
Laws are for punishment and yes the DEATH Pentely should be used a great deal more. There should be no life in prison.
Re: Has everyone just gone crazy?
Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2021 1:12 pm
by Slednx
Mass shootings have happened before the pandemic/shut downs and will continue to happen until this country starts taking a serious look at mental health.
What concerns me is how many friends have become increasingly angry with our government and their never ending control of us. We are in this pandemic/ mask wearing bullshit for a year now. We have vaccines that are working and millions who are getting them. Good. Perhaps the end of this is near?
Then you have that Dr.Fauci who has been vaccinated running around Washington and news outlets wearing not one but TWO masks telling us all we might be wearing these things till 2022!
They say believe the science, I've played along. The vaccine makes you immune from getting ill or transmitting, yet we still need to mask up? If I am not allowed by summer to attend a ball game or concert at full capacity, you can add me to the list of people who will be fully pissed and just say "fuck it" and no longer give a shit what they tell us any longer.
Re: Has everyone just gone crazy?
Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2021 2:06 am
You're right. That is the mass killings started way before Covid-19. Yet, it seems to be far worse then any other country. As far as stricter penalties for such crimes, I really don't see it making any difference. These people don't seem to care what happens to themselves as a result of their actions. Kind of like telling a suicide bomber how much stricter the penalties will be. As far as immigration goes, most these are home grown terrorist.[/size]
Re: Has everyone just gone crazy?
Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2021 4:22 pm
by rachelvarga
SIDEWINDER link wrote:
You're right. That is the mass killings started way before Covid-19. Yet, it seems to be far worse then any other country. As far as stricter penalties for such crimes, I really don't see it making any difference. These people don't seem to care what happens to themselves as a result of their actions. Kind of like telling a suicide bomber how much stricter the penalties will be. As far as immigration goes, most these are home grown terrorist.[/size]
America is not like any other country.
Re: Has everyone just gone crazy?
Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2021 4:38 pm
by rachelvarga
Rachel Varga link wrote:
America is not like any other country.
Okay so if we are going to talk about gun control then let's get real.
America is the last major country with an armed populace. It is also a society that is very hawkish on war. No one will try to invade because they know the populace would kill them all and the guerilla fighting would be the most intense ever seen by humans. What happens if the population here is disarmed? Who will be able to fight against any government? The world will be completely under the control of governments. I'm not being paranoid. This is pretty logical. America is all that is left and has to be. My Sister asks why I need an AR. My answer? Because I can.
Countries like China and Russia posture and try to be tough but they are scared of an armed populace. Our country probably scares the shit out of their governments. Imagine 1 billion guns in China.
We will never be disarmed. They make steps forward and then get pushed back.
Think about this also. They couldn't get an assault rifle ban right in Washington back in the 90's. How can they get anything else right? Sure California is making it hard but do you think that would work in other states? No way. Not gonna happen. Gun control is just talking points from the soapbox.
Mass shootings are a result of social issues and a society that is pumped full of violence with movies, videos, and pharmaceuticals. Political polarization is pushing people into more extremist mentalities. The worst thing of all is social media.
Re: Has everyone just gone crazy?
Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2021 3:35 am
by georoc01
SIDEWINDER link wrote:
You're right. That is the mass killings started way before Covid-19. Yet, it seems to be far worse then any other country. As far as stricter penalties for such crimes, I really don't see it making any difference. These people don't seem to care what happens to themselves as a result of their actions. Kind of like telling a suicide bomber how much stricter the penalties will be. As far as immigration goes, most these are home grown terrorist.[/size]
This one was the exception, most of these are white males. While he wasn't born here, he was brought here as a toddler and is a product of the US education system.
The question I want to know is, since he lived one town over, why did he drive all the way to Boulder to do what he did? Why not shoot up the Soopers next to my house which he had to drive by to get there?
Then you have the copycats, see the Publix in Atlanta, where the potential gunman was arrested before he could go on a shooting spree.
Re: Has everyone just gone crazy?
Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2021 9:40 am
by rachelvarga
I watched a documentary on the first postal shooting. I think it was this one.
Murder by Proxy: How America Went Postal
After this, it seemed to copycat and grow.
There is no way to predict who will do this. Restricting firearms will not solve this issue and it is impossible to do at this point because there are just too many. There is something much deeper going on in our society. I don't have an answer but I can tell you that politicians could care less and they can't solve the problem. They don't understand it any more than anyone else and most of them are a stupid as a brick.