Why aren’t Brothels more internet friendly?
Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2018 11:45 am
For years Brothels have been on the net but they still don’t seem to use it to its full potential for attracting clients.
They have their lineups that never seem to be up to date. Their Ladies sections that always have a number of ladies that haven’t been in house for years. Message boards that only a few Ladies participate on. Sketchy electronic communication at best.
It seems they just don’t see the need to put the necessary resources into what once was the future but now is the present.
When if ever will Brothels fully commit to the 21st century and allocate the resources to take full advantage of what’s available?
They have their lineups that never seem to be up to date. Their Ladies sections that always have a number of ladies that haven’t been in house for years. Message boards that only a few Ladies participate on. Sketchy electronic communication at best.
It seems they just don’t see the need to put the necessary resources into what once was the future but now is the present.
When if ever will Brothels fully commit to the 21st century and allocate the resources to take full advantage of what’s available?