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Remove Yourself From Background Search Sites

Posted: Wed May 02, 2018 7:36 am
by MrTShirt

Re: Remove Yourself From Background Search Sites

Posted: Fri May 04, 2018 7:29 am
by rachelvarga
Unfortunately there is no privacy anymore. These sites like this and mugshots ruin people's lives. You can show up on mugshots for a misdemeanor and depending on what it is you could have problems getting a job or apartment. This happened to a friend of mine. She had to pay 400 dollars for them to remove it.

The Supreme Court ruled that this is legal because it's in the public's interest. So people never get a second chance if they screw up. Most of it is petty stuff and drug charges. Mostly marijuana. What happened to paying your debt to society?

I totally get it with sex offenders.

Re: Remove Yourself From Background Search Sites

Posted: Sat May 05, 2018 4:56 am
by TC
It’s true. My friend had a marijuana charge from 9 years ago when all of a sudden her mugshot was the first thing that came up on a google search of her name. She went to a job interview once and they turned the laptop around to reveal her mugshot and said “Can we talk about this?” That’s how she found out it existed.

This same website that puts the pics up will let you pay different increments of money to remove your info. $400 to get your picture off. $1000 to have your name scrubbed. It’s extortion.