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Is there Precedent for Lyon County shutting HOF down?

Posted: Wed May 23, 2018 3:24 am
by Midwest Couple
We've been trying to think of ANYTHING like what Lyon county is attempting to do with this vote.  Take away who he is, or even what the business is, and you've got an established, legal business, keeping up with all required licensing and regulations, no proven criminal activity or even complaints (other than moral ones).  They are paying taxes, in good standing with the city codes and operating 100% legally.

According to the web, Dennis is worth $20million, so let's just say that 1/3 of that is in MoundHouse - that's $7million of business assets that will nearly be dropped to $0 by a vote on morality by the people in Lyon county.  He wont be able to sell the company as it's now illegal, the land and building will be basically useless because of where they are located .... the vote will strip him of ALL the value in the legal business that THEY licensed and permitted, until they didn't.

We go all the way back to prohibition as the only other time we can think of when business people were forced to close down with no value being provided to their businesses.  Is there anything else that anyone can thing of for precedent?  Not - a bunch of kids hanging around the record store causing problems so they shut it down, or using the restaurant as a money laundering set up so they shut it down - but a legitimate, lawful, tax paying business that got shut down because it suddenly became illegal.  Even when laws change, they generally grandfather in existing business. 

Seems extremely un-American to us.   

  ou've got an established, legal business, without any proven criminal activity, complaints, or [/size]

Re: Is there Precedent for Lyon County shutting HOF down?

Posted: Wed May 23, 2018 3:32 am
by CoriCooper
Sheri's Ranch was originally in Lincoln County before that county voted the brothels out, and they relocated to Nye. 

The owners at the time protested, but the Nevada Supreme Court ruled that each county had the right to do so. 

Re: Is there Precedent for Lyon County shutting HOF down?

Posted: Wed May 23, 2018 5:44 am
by dbldblu51
It is kind of mind boggling that so much value could be taken away based upon a moral uprising.  It is somewhat similar to some localities saying you cannot possess an AR15, turn them in, and no we are not going to compensate you.

Re: Is there Precedent for Lyon County shutting HOF down?

Posted: Wed May 23, 2018 5:55 am
by dbldblu51
There is also that caberet in Moundhouse, is that the same type of licensing or different?  Does anybody know?

Re: Is there Precedent for Lyon County shutting HOF down?

Posted: Wed May 23, 2018 7:42 am
by Funmonger
I was looking at one of the meetings where citizens were talking about it. One old guy intensely said "I hate that man" referring to Hof. One hd to wonder just where he was coming from. Was it what Hof represented? Was it the Hof seemed to be breaking any rules or perceived rules? Was it the he actually hated Hof more than Brothels. If so, they are "throwing the baby out with the bath water." Obviously, Hof and his carnaval barking and advertising via media by proxy or whatever have not helped. The signs and run for office haven't helped the situation.

Re: Is there Precedent for Lyon County shutting HOF down?

Posted: Fri May 25, 2018 9:25 am
by rachelvarga
Midwest Couple link wrote: We've been trying to think of ANYTHING like what Lyon county is attempting to do with this vote.  Take away who he is, or even what the business is, and you've got an established, legal business, keeping up with all required licensing and regulations, no proven criminal activity or even complaints (other than moral ones).  They are paying taxes, in good standing with the city codes and operating 100% legally.

According to the web, Dennis is worth $20million, so let's just say that 1/3 of that is in MoundHouse - that's $7million of business assets that will nearly be dropped to $0 by a vote on morality by the people in Lyon county.  He wont be able to sell the company as it's now illegal, the land and building will be basically useless because of where they are located .... the vote will strip him of ALL the value in the legal business that THEY licensed and permitted, until they didn't.

We go all the way back to prohibition as the only other time we can think of when business people were forced to close down with no value being provided to their businesses.  Is there anything else that anyone can thing of for precedent?  Not - a bunch of kids hanging around the record store causing problems so they shut it down, or using the restaurant as a money laundering set up so they shut it down - but a legitimate, lawful, tax paying business that got shut down because it suddenly became illegal.  Even when laws change, they generally grandfather in existing business. 

Seems extremely un-American to us.   

  ou've got an established, legal business, without any proven criminal activity, complaints, or [/size]
I read that they interviewed a lot of girls and were going to file charges but the statute of limitations had passed.  So LE thought there was enough evidence to send it to the DA but it was too late.

The reason why you don't hear anything is because it can be covered up easily.  D has lawyers and they will out you everywhere. No one believes because of that attitude of,  "How can you rape a prostitute?"  or "they're whores and that's what happens when you sell your body". No one wants their name associated with prostitution.  Especially politicians.

Let's make a scenario. A girl is choked out at the bar by a regular. She wanted to call the Sherrif but is taken aside by the owner and madam and told,  "No one will believe,  your a whore!  No one cares about whores." and berates her.  She has an imposing guy telling her this with the madam right there saying the same thing." She is intimidated into saying it didn't happen like that and that's that."

No one cares and no one will.  Girls are the only ones that can make changes but they are scared to lose their jobs and have their personal lives destroyed.

Re: Is there Precedent for Lyon County shutting HOF down?

Posted: Fri May 25, 2018 10:51 am
by MrTShirt
Rachel Varga link wrote: I read that they interviewed a lot of girls and were going to file charges but the statute of limitations had passed.  So LE thought there was enough evidence to send it to the DA but it was too late.

The reason why you don't hear anything is because it can be covered up easily.  D has lawyers and they will out you everywhere. No one believes because of that attitude of,  "How can you rape a prostitute?"  or "they're whores and that's what happens when you sell your body". No one wants their name associated with prostitution.  Especially politicians.

Let's make a scenario. A girl is choked out at the bar by a regular. She wanted to call the Sherrif but is taken aside by the owner and madam and told,  "No one will believe,  your a Courtesan!  No one cares about whores." and berates her.  She has an imposing guy telling her this with the madam right there saying the same thing." She is intimidated into saying it didn't happen like that and that's that."

No one cares and no one will.  Girls are the only ones that can make changes but they are scared to lose their jobs and have their personal lives destroyed.
The attitude of the girls need to change.

Now they feel they need the house.
The change is when the house needs them.
Then the house will step in and protect the girls from a rogue customer or a rouge girl or ...

By the way, how many girls take time to chat with the county sheriff when they get their license?
A girl needs friends in various places.  Show all of them you are a business women, and not to be pushed around.

Re: Is there Precedent for Lyon County shutting HOF down?

Posted: Fri May 25, 2018 4:14 pm
by MrTShirt
Rachel Varga link wrote: ...Let's make a scenario. A girl is choked out at the bar by a regular. She wanted to call the Sherrif but is taken aside by the owner and madam and told,  "No one will believe,  your a Courtesan!  No one cares about whores." and berates her.  She has an imposing guy telling her this with the madam right there saying the same thing." She is intimidated into saying it didn't happen like that and that's that."....
I would say this is more common than the guys realize.

Do you ever hear of the sheriff being called to any of the brothel houses?  However, back in your hometown I bet all of the popular restaurants and bars and social gathering places will have police calls.  Maybe infrequent, but not zero.
At the brothels, is the job of management and employees and "security guards" to protect the girls, or to hush up crimes to protect the image of the house?

The girls know the answer.

Re: Is there Precedent for Lyon County shutting HOF down?

Posted: Fri May 25, 2018 4:34 pm
by rachelvarga
MrTShirt link wrote: I would say this is more common than the guys realize.

Do you ever hear of the sheriff being called to any of the brothel houses?  However, back in your hometown I bet all of the popular restaurants and bars and social gathering places will have police calls.  Maybe infrequent, but not zero.
At the brothels, is the job of management and employees and "security guards" to protect the girls, or to hush up crimes to protect the image of the house?

The girls know the answer.
It's just a scenario. Multiple girls have said they were put out in the middle of the night for not having sex with them. You guys are getting me riled up. I'm going to stop before I start dumping a whole lot of shit.

Re: Is there Precedent for Lyon County shutting HOF down?

Posted: Fri May 25, 2018 6:51 pm
by SixT9er
Rachel Varga link wrote: It's just a scenario. Multiple girls have said they were put out in the middle of the night for not having sex with them. You guys are getting me riled up. I'm going to stop before I start dumping a whole lot of shit.
I’ve had more than one Lady tell me that Dennis scares the shit out of them. There is no doubt that Dennis uses intimidation as a major tool.
The entire industry would be better if he were not involved and I have no doubt that none of this backlash would be happening if Dennis didn’t instigate the crap he does.
If the Brothels get banned Dennis will have no one to blame but himself.