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eSport Fan?

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2018 3:57 pm
by MrTShirt
Are you?
If you don't know, then likely not.
What is it?  We will let an eSport fan explain.  :)

Re: eSport Fan?

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2018 4:10 am
by Ironman
MrTShirt link wrote: Are you?
If you don't know, then likely not.
What is it?  We will let an eSport fan explain.  :)

You're talking about people that watch other people play video games the same way most people watch sports right?

To answer the question no.

However Madden 19 will have a PC version this year first tit in 11 years last time it was available on the PC was September of 07 when 08 was released I might pony up the 60 bucks for the digital download when it comes out in August or have a parental unit  (mom( spring for it as a belated Birthday gift for me. She always asks everyone year what do I want. I always say nothing or its too expensive. She winds up giving me 50 or 60 bucks that I spend on bowling and diet Pepsi so this would be a change lol.