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A Cathouse ep got me thinking

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2018 10:37 am
by TC
So there's an episode of Cathouse where they show Dennis updating his will--I think he took Cami out and put Brooke back in...actually I have no idea.

It just made me wonder how often clients bequeath ladies gifts. If I was a guy I could totally see myself doing this. Especially if my kids were unsupportive, I would be tempted to just leave everything to my ATF if I hadnt spent it all on her in life.

Re: A Cathouse ep got me thinking

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2018 10:57 am
by MrTShirt
Some people leave an estate to charity instead of to a non-supportive family.However, leaving an estate to a non-family member can result in the gov't getting a significant portion of the estate.

What the guy might consider is becoming a sugar daddy to his ATF.  Likely more fun and less taxes.

Regardless, your point is well taken.

Re: A Cathouse ep got me thinking

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2018 2:22 pm
by niceguy eddie
The thing with ATFs is that they usually move on in life and you fall out of touch.  This could be for years or even decades.  So unless you are expecting to die in the very near future, a lot can change and you may decide to change your will.

BTW, I like these types of interesting threads that come up on this board that you won't find elsewhere.  I've always maintained that each board has its own personality based on the atmosphere created by the administration and the people who post there.

Re: A Cathouse ep got me thinking

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2018 5:13 am
by TC
I see your points, but I still choose to have my daydream about a lady walking out with billions because a 105-year-old secretly rich coot decided fuck it I’m leaving the family farm to Luv Train. :D

Re: A Cathouse ep got me thinking

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2018 10:48 am
by Midwest Couple
Interesting question.  Surprised some of the long-timers here haven't heard of that being done. 

We knew a guy once who left his actual family nothing.  He left most of the estate to the church (because his wife would like that) and his other prized possession, his car, to the Hmong kid that lived next door to him and he'd kind of taken a fatherly/mentor identity to.  His family got nothing, even the snotty little grand daughter who wanted the car.  (name that movie)

The customer would need to know the ladies real name however.... putting "Rachel Varga" in the will may be challenged in court by survivors who received nothing. 

Re: A Cathouse ep got me thinking

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2018 10:54 am
by SixT9er
Midwest Couple link wrote: Interesting question.  Surprised some of the long-timers here haven't heard of that being done. 

We knew a guy once who left his actual family nothing.  He left most of the estate to the church (because his wife would like that) and his other prized possession, his car, to the Hmong kid that lived next door to him and he'd kind of taken a fatherly/mentor identity to.  His family got nothing, even the snotty little grand daughter who wanted the car.  (name that movie)

The customer would need to know the ladies real name however.... putting "Rachel Varga" in the will may be challenged in court by survivors who received nothing.
I wonder if it were more spelled out something like “The Courtesan going by the name of “xxx” during the years of 2016-2019 at the Mustang Ranch in Sparks Nevada”? If this would be challengable in court?

Re: A Cathouse ep got me thinking

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2018 2:37 pm
by 777
Midwest Couple link wrote: Interesting question.  Surprised some of the long-timers here haven't heard of that being done. 

We knew a guy once who left his actual family nothing.  He left most of the estate to the church (because his wife would like that) and his other prized possession, his car, to the Hmong kid that lived next door to him and he'd kind of taken a fatherly/mentor identity to.  His family got nothing, even the snotty little grand daughter who wanted the car.  (name that movie)
Gran Torino.  Good movie.

Re: A Cathouse ep got me thinking

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2018 2:51 pm
by MrTShirt
Midwest Couple link wrote: ...The customer would need to know the ladies real name however.... putting "Rachel Varga" in the will may be challenged in court by survivors who received nothing.
One probably could get the real name(s) via a Court injunction.  But then the real name pf the courtesan would become public because of it being a will.  Estates usually are public documents.  However, a trust could be setup using the courtesan's stage name with an attorney as the point of contact.  The attorney could then provide a shield for the real person.

Bottom line, it has to be thought through, not done on a whim.

Re: A Cathouse ep got me thinking

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2018 3:57 pm
by wayne208
I know One lady who will be Very surprised if I pass on .. She is getting Some Firearms from Me . I will not say who that Person is  ;)   She has been nicer to Me then some of My Relatives . :-X

Re: A Cathouse ep got me thinking

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2018 5:50 pm
by Ironman
Midwest Couple link wrote: Interesting question.  Surprised some of the long-timers here haven't heard of that being done. 

We knew a guy once who left his actual family nothing.  He left most of the estate to the church (because his wife would like that) and his other prized possession, his car, to the Hmong kid that lived next door to him and he'd kind of taken a fatherly/mentor identity to.  His family got nothing, even the snotty little grand daughter who wanted the car.  (name that movie)

The customer would need to know the ladies real name however.... putting "Rachel Varga" in the will may be challenged in court by survivors who received nothing.

True but if you felt strongly.enough about girl X to leave her your hypothetical billions chances are girl X disclosed her legal name to you.

I personally don't have shit. But my retired ATF let me in on that bit of info.about herself 2 years before she retired. I thought she was yanking my chain till she offered proof.

Maybe she gave me the info because I told her if I hit it big in the powerball before I die I have her covered.? Probably won't happen, but she was probably still is a smart girl she knows I will take that information about her name to myself, and take with me to my grave.

So she figured why not just in case. Its like playing the dollar slot put the dollar in push the button or pull the old school lever. Probably not going to win big but Just in case, ?? besides you definitely can't win if you don't play.