Cross board discussions/battles

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Cross board discussions/battles


Post by SixT9er »

Are cross board battles good or bad for the LPIN community?

Several posters on this board no longer post on the other board either by choice or are unable to because of disputes with that boards powers.

Is it good for the board to have this dirty laundry aired? I admit it spices things up and spice adds interest but is it the right kind of interest?

Just wondering others thoughts
Last edited by SixT9er on Fri May 25, 2018 4:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by FumbleNutts »

I don't think it helps, but can understand someone that's being bashed n besmirched on one board using another with the same patrons occupying defending their self.

I'm really unsure if it does or doesn't hurt? Just can give my opinion according to my feelings. When I feel uneasy or my blood pressure going up, I've got to back away. Back away more and more, then start feeling, "Is this (the boards) really good or positive for me anymore?" I like interacting with most of the people in this community, but want to feel good/positive about it more than 50% of the time when posting or reading posts. Maybe other's feel similar, and why they don't participate so much anymore? All of this is bound to turn people off, and in turn - the big picture, hurt the ladies business and community as a whole?
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Post by Cobia »

"IF" the person being bashed is unable to defend himself on that board they should be able to defend themselves anyway they can. I have been accused of shit I didn't do by others that lied their sorry ass off. 

If someone is accused I "do" believe there should be proof posted so as to end all doubt other wise " just consider the source and their track record " as  attack or hate or jealous.
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Post by SixT9er »

What is acceptable “Truth” and how do you know it is real and not fabricated or altered?
Is an email or pm saying something happened “truth or proof” or just one side of the story of a person who dislikes another?
Truth in the electronic world especially these days where things can be altered by a 5 year old and it takes an expert to tell it’s been altered I take any digital “truth/proof” with a grain of salt or several depending on who decides to share it and what their motives are.
We won’t even get into the “half truths” issue that happen often when things are taken out of context and spun to tell an unflattering tale of another
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Post by Ironman »

SixT9er link wrote: Are cross board battles good or bad for the LPIN community?

Several posters on this board no longer post on the other board either by choice or are unable to because of disputes with that boards powers.

Is it good for the board to have this dirty laundry aired? I admit it spices things up and spice adds interest but is it the right kind of interest?

Just wondering others thoughts

OK yea they are bad drama gets old & is very childish.

As for truth that is more complicated.  Every story has 3 sides at least in the context you are talking about. each person involved has their individual side of the story. Their version of the truth based on their perception of events, and the actual truth which is usually somewhere in the middle of the other 2 sides.?
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Post by Vanityaffair »

After my attack on the other board by someone who always has to rebuttal everything and everyone over simple things. I refuse to go to that level again. I use to post a lot on that board but now to avoid the conflict with robotic or reddit applied answeres instead of humanism. I limit myself and hold back a lot what I want to say so the robots don’t attack me. I just wish rather then wait for stuff to get ugly and end up in fightclub. End it there but no it keeps going on and on and on.
Last edited by Vanityaffair on Sat May 19, 2018 3:53 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Slednx »

Ya know 69er, you would do the same. I don't care if it disrupts this board for a minute, I can't defend myself over there. Saying I am stalking ladies, claiming safety of the ladies. What a crock. The most I am guilty of is having disagreements with ladies that spill over into PM's...oh no, I got blocked. Must be a stalker. So few ladies on the board I have even met in person.

Hell, when Casey Cross accused you of copping a feel in the parlor, did you have the right to defend yourself? Of course you did. I considered the source and her extra-curricular activities and wrote it off.

Stop being a damn hypocrite.
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Post by raving loon »

These cross board battles are yet more proof that "we are our own worst enemy". When I first joined this board I made a bet as to how long it would take before we turned into SIN or had spill over. We both would have lost due to how quick it did spread. I am willing to make an exception for people who are banned on board and not another, especially if they're called out specifically. There is a need for them to find alternate means of defending themselves. If you're not in that specifically listed banned category and you have a problem with someone or something over there on the other boards, do me and everyone else a favor and keep it over there. I'm otherwise not really interested in your issues. I come over to these boards as an escape to dealing with the regular bullshit in my life without having to get immersed in that of others. 
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Post by SixT9er »

Slednx link wrote: Ya know 69er, you would do the same. I don't care if it disrupts this board for a minute, I can't defend myself over there. Saying I am stalking ladies, claiming safety of the ladies. What a crock. The most I am guilty of is having disagreements with ladies that spill over into PM's...oh no, I got blocked. Must be a stalker. So few ladies on the board I have even met in person.

Hell, when Casey Cross accused you of copping a feel in the parlor, did you have the right to defend yourself? Of course you did. I considered the source and her extra-curricular activities and wrote it off.

Stop being a damn hypocrite.
I didn’t say you didn’t have the right.

I asked the question if cross board wars were good or bad? I made no judgement so I have no idea how I’m being a hypocrite?

Furthermore if you paid attention to my second post in this thread I am questioning how reliable any “truth” may be when posted by individuals with their own agendas

Next time please pay attention to posts before calling someone out as a hypocrite, it just makes you look like an ass when you don’t
Last edited by SixT9er on Fri May 18, 2018 8:22 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Midwest Couple »

We much prefer to listen to the mongers talk about good experiences they've had in the brothels, and have the ladies talk about the good experiences they can provide in the brothels. 

That said - we were recently put on blast by a certain lady on another board.  We wear that as a badge of honor that we've finally graduated from newbie status.  It may not mean much to those of you with many years of experience, but it was fun for us. 
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Post by Vanityaffair »

He he he my princess. You sure did graduate. Can’t wait to see you soon my princess.
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Post by rachelvarga »

SixT9er link wrote:

I didn’t say you didn’t have the right.

I asked the question if cross board wars were good or bad? I made no judgement so I have no idea how I’m being a hypocrite?

Furthermore if you paid attention to my second post in this thread I am questioning how reliable any “truth” may be when posted by individuals with their own agendas

Next time please pay attention to posts before calling someone out as a hypocrite, it just makes you look like an ass when you don’t

Okay guys. Let's chill out. No reason to give Q any happiness in watching you fight.

I will explain this to everyone:

Here's what really happened. SixT9er saw her and I both. He wrote a really glowing review of our party. Then she dropped in with him putting his hand on her boob. People started their usual, "OMG I'm so shocked" and when he tried to fight back Q insulted him, told him he has his head up my ass or some shit, then locked the post.

Why did these things happen? It's very simple. Casey thought his review was an attempt to attack her and because he was talking to me. Q and SixT9er sometimes don't agree on things and if you don't agree with Q then you can fuck off. Okay I fucked off, but never fucked him. Works for me.

I don't know if it happened and I don't care because we deal with stuff like this all the time. It's not like no guy does that and then suddenly one does. It happens all the time. No different than a strip club. If a guy does that or grabs my ass I take his hand off, tell him it's inappropriate and if he does it again I'll have his ass thrown out. That is the reality of life in a Brothel.

When girls post that they are so offended a guy grabs their ass or boob I know it's one of two things. They are either young and haven't dealt with it a lot or it's some kind of drama. I come form the most machismo society in East Europe. I can't count the number of times I have had my ass grabbed on a crowded bus or the number of guys I bitch slapped for doing it. Sorry girls but America is a fantasyland. Most women around the world are oppressed. Millions are treated like baby makers. Women can't drive or go to school. Thousands or more are raped out of honor. Human history has shown us that for thousands of years women have been slaves to men. How many women raped in that time? 3/4 of all women in East Germany were reaped by Russian soldiers. Happens in Africa everyday. The Bosnian war there was a campaign of rape by the Serbians. Imagine soldiers kicking in your door and raping your 16 year old daughter and wife over the kitchen table. Not one man. Guy after guy. Rape comes along with beating and killings. Just violence. So when I hear this kind of stuff it makes me sick to my stomach that real stuff is happening in this world and no one gives a shit but touch my boob and your a sex offender. Sickening.

In the brothel you just deal with the guy and move on because he won't be the last. One time Dennis grabbed my ass, I made it clear to him I am not one of "his" girls and I got on with life. Simple as that. How can you say it's wrong but work for a buy that does it. It's right there on Cathouse. He puts his hands all over them. Never ever has Lance done that to me and I have never seen him do it. He is very nice and hardly comes around. He gives a shit. We all know it's slow in February. Has Dennis ever let the girls have free rent when it's slow? No but Lance did. It is slow at all brothels in the winter. I worked during Christmas at the BR and it was the same way except there were days with one or two bells and over 20 girls in a lineup. All those girls still have to pay room and board but only one got a party. Do the math.

Now on the Q locking posts thing he did it because he can. SIN shows his track record, if he doesn't like you then fuck you is his attitude. I don't care what he does. I started another board so people wouldn't be told that is they didn't like it they could leave. I am happy. I DEALT WITH HIM and life goes on.

All the guys defend him and say he didn't attempt to get my award taken away or get me fired. How the hell can you read that board and not think he is capable of that? His posts show he has a thin skin and he is mean. He posted many times that it was his board and if you don't like it leave. Recently he insulted CB because he said he wasn't going to use the rating system. Told him, "Don't let the door hit you on the way out." He can't take criticism. Why attack a member that has posted for years? Ego.

If you believe Q didn't write Jennifer then you are stupid. You have to have zero brain cells to not see the megalomania and bitterness towards women that comes from him. I'm glad those people don't party with me. They don't deserve it. In fact they don't deserve any woman. I won't deny them access to the board or kick them off. Every court needs a few fools to entertain everyone.

It all boils down to this: She was mad about the review and Q attacked SixT9er because he doesn't likes me. Plain and simple.
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Post by Vanityaffair »

Amen Rachel. Now that you set it straight and a couple of us have vented our feelings. Let’s go in with our happy board and not let the negativity of the other board become toxic here do to disputes there. Damm where is that 26 incher to make us laugh. Everyone have a positive and cheerful day.
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Post by Funmonger »

This just makes me want to travel to the Mustang to party with Rachel. It gets this old man hot and bothered on a Saturday afternoon! I guess I just have a one track mind.
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Post by MrTShirt »

Vanityaffair link wrote: ....Damm where is that 26 incher to make us laugh. Everyone have a positive and cheerful day....
The 26 incher is busy reading joke books.  It ran out of good things to say, so it needs to replenish.  :)
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Post by elkogfe »

well said...

raving loon link wrote: These cross board battles are yet more proof that "we are our own worst enemy". When I first joined this board I made a bet as to how long it would take before we turned into SIN or had spill over. We both would have lost due to how quick it did spread. I am willing to make an exception for people who are banned on board and not another, especially if they're called out specifically. There is a need for them to find alternate means of defending themselves. If you're not in that specifically listed banned category and you have a problem with someone or something over there on the other boards, do me and everyone else a favor and keep it over there. I'm otherwise not really interested in your issues. I come over to these boards as an escape to dealing with the regular bullshit in my life without having to get immersed in that of others.
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Post by ShyKyle87 »

I just want to say thank you to Rachel for providing a board with a more positive feel to it.  Mainly, I just lurk on both boards and rarely post, but I'm getting tired of how some things are over at SIN.  At least here, everyone is respectful to each other, and you don't have a man-child flipping out on people who don't agree with him.
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Post by wayne208 »

I agree that Rachel has Made herself More Likely to Be partied with By Me . :o .  But I Hate the Negativity Vibes I get in Some threads on either Board ..  I am here For Hearing about the Ladies and getting to know them Better . I am wayne208 and I like 95% of the Lovely Ladies of LPIN
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Post by FumbleNutts »

wayne208 link wrote: I agree that Rachel has Made herself More Likely to Be partied with By Me . :o .  But I Hate the Negativity Vibes I get in Some threads on either Board ..  I am here For Hearing about the Ladies and getting to know them Better . I am wayne208 and I like 95% of the Lovely Ladies of LPIN
You are, KSF #2  :) Anyone that would buy me a Tutu, so I can Geo you out of those 95% is a true KSF  ;D
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Post by wayne208 »

Fumble I would like to Point out that Yours and Crappies are different colors .. You Poor sick KSFer .. 8)  .