Does it ever bother you?

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Does it ever bother you?


Post by SixT9er »

We all know this business in the sense that it’s the Ladies job and if things are going good for her she is seeing “many” clients. It is also a job that requires intamacy some just physical others emotional and still others both.
With the above understanding it’s only logical that both clients and Ladies develop a type of “emotional” connection with those they see often because we are human and I believe it’s in our makeup to do so for most of us.

To the question(s)
Clients: Does it bother you when you are in the house and see your favorite go to party with someone else?
Ladies: Does it bother you when your “regular” chooses to see other Ladies in your house?
A Lady can ask any price and the client can always walk. If you accept her offer it's on you so don't bitch about it!
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Post by Slednx »

Sure, I would want my ATF to be successful so I can see her again and again. Thing is, I don't want to see her take off hand in hand after just having had sex or on the way to go have sex with other client. Maybe it is a bit emotions but I like to think I am just acting like any regular dude, a dude who has had girlfriends.

Bottom line and I can speak from experience, the good and the bad. A lady who has regulars will do her best NOT to come out with previous client and shove it in clients face who is waiting for her in parlor with a scheduled appointment. It's not cool and the real professionals wouldn't do that to their good regulars. They would manage their clock better. MHO
Last edited by Slednx on Mon Jul 09, 2018 3:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Ironman »

Zylar link wrote: Haven’t had it happen to me yet, logically and rationally I agree with what so many of you have posted and I want my atf to be successful and happy.  But I don’t necessarily want to be around to see her take other guys behind the green door, rather not witness it firsthand  ;)

Easy to avoid if she is shift just leave when your time with her for that visit is done.

Truth is if you are close to your ATF she is going to probably get a bit bent if she sees you go back with another girl.

Just do like I did with mine. Don't put each other in that situation.

Leave and let her work its just better for you.

At the same time it would not necessarily be easy for her to watch you go back with another girl.

True it might be as simple as money. But more than likely if she is truly your ATF she probably has a bit of a special fondness for you as well and, she might think that you are going to another girl because she wasn't enough for you. Got to love it though when you are with your ATF the next time and the girl thinks its a contest chances are she will make sure you can barely walk by the time she is done with you.?
Last edited by Ironman on Mon Jul 09, 2018 5:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by SixT9er »

I know it will bother me. Last trip out I made sure it didn’t happen. I’m afraid this next one I won’t be so lucky.[/size]
I know she needs clients to keep her in the house and I’ve told her that I want her to be busy because I sure as hell can’t afford to be her only client! I recommend her because she is great and it’s also is in my own best interests so she’ll be busy and be around when I do come to town. [/size]
I just don’t want to see her go with someone else. I know she does it and want her to be successful but for that sliver of time im there I don’t want to see it...[/size]
A Lady can ask any price and the client can always walk. If you accept her offer it's on you so don't bitch about it!
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Post by Ironman »

SixT9er link wrote:
I know it will bother me. Last trip out I made sure it didn’t happen. I’m afraid this next one I won’t be so lucky.[/size]
I know she needs clients to keep her in the house and I’ve told her that I want her to be busy because I sure as hell can’t afford to be her only client! I recommend her because she is great and it’s also is in my own best interests so she’ll be busy and be around when I do come to town. [/size]
I just don’t want to see her go with someone else. I know she does it and want her to be successful but for that sliver of time im there I don’t want to see it...[/size]

Just coordinate it dude if a dumb ass like me and my retired ATF were smart enough to figure out how to avoid that a smart guy like you and your lady can figure it out.

I know you are probably worried about the hanging out time. Simple man is July hang out in the parking lot have the bar tender bring you a refill every 45 minutes.???
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Post by RoxyGold »

It doesn’t bother me at all. Actually, I encourage it. If a friend of mine gives a great party and is up your alley, im more than happy to put in a good word ;)
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Post by rachelvarga »

It does not bother me to see my regulars go with other girls. Nothing lasts forever and maybe they want a new ATF.  Maybe they want a one off with someone else. This is a business and you can't let that kind of stuff bother you.

A guy should never get jealous that a girl he likes or an ATF has lots of clients. It's really none of their business what I'm doing. If a guy is jealous he needs to check himself.  I'm not looking for a husband or boyfriend and don't expect any guy to think he is.
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Post by Ironman »

Rachel Varga link wrote: It does not bother me to see my regulars go with other girls. Nothing lasts forever and maybe they want a new ATF.  Maybe they want a one off with someone else. This is a business and you can't let that kind of stuff bother you.

A guy should never get jealous that a girl he likes or an ATF has lots of clients. It's really none of their business what I'm doing. If a guy is jealous he needs to check himself.  I'm not looking for a husband or boyfriend and don't expect any guy to think he is.

I think all your regulars understand what the situation is they just would rather not see the next client you walk back with after them.

It is a form of Jealousy for lack of a better word. But not in the  same way as say an ex you haven't gotten over and you run into them with their new boyfriend or girlfriend..

Being mildly jealous of the next client that books you after you have finished with another regular  even if you are their favorite. 99 percent of the time it is perfectly harmless. It is also very avoidable. If it bothers you to see who your favorite girl walks back with after you then leave the dang ranch when your time with her for that vist is done leave simple. You can't be jealous in any form if you ain't there to see it.

I can honestly say I never once saw Kristine walk back with another client. But I made sure not to ever put myself in that situation.

Now we did have one minor miss communication when I booked with Whitney one night after a party with Kristine, but after Kristine went to bed for the night. It was 100 percent my fault I should have told her I was going to hang out till the ride back to my hotel arrived around 8 am. I also should have told her that although I had zero intentions of booking another party that night I should have pointed out that because of their similar look from behind there was a possibility that Kassie (Whitney) would maybe put me back in the mood because there was a lot of hours in between when her and I finished around 1 30 maybe 2 am and when Sled who agreed to come back and pick me up around 8 am the next morning.

Kristine wasn't even tripping off the fact that I spent the money on another girl she knew I had a history with Whitney. No I think on some level she thought I was not physically satisfied with Just her. ? No more like I had a lot of time actually had money in my pocket and Whitney had the right well er um bait to  put me back in the mood physically and Kristine at that point was dancing with her pillow.

In the end though it worked out the events of that night loosely inspired one of my Monkey Monger stories that had something like 100 downloads and a couple 200 or so streaming views.? Kristine also took time that next night to make sure that even Whitney was not going to be able to put me back in the mood. Even though I made it clear I was not hanging out I was leaving that next night as soon as her and I were done. But Kristine  made sure anyway.?

After that trip her and I reached an understanding.  The next trip about 7 or 8 weeks later Kristine was essentially the brothel wife, but Whitney was the brothel Mistress she knew about and allowed me to keep.

Anyway back to my point Guys if you don't think you can handle seeing your number 1 girl walk back with her next client don't put yourself or her in that situation leave when you two are done. Do not hang out after what you are not there to see won't bother you.

Also if you want to or choose to book another girl in the same house don't be a dumb ass like me talk to your ATF first.?. Although it can be fun the next time you are with your ATF if she mistakenly? thinks the sex with her was not good enough.??
Last edited by Ironman on Wed Jul 11, 2018 4:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Rand McNally »

I sense some are applying conventional mores to the LPIN world, which is akin to pounding square pegs into round holes (no pun intended). If one gets jealous whenever their preferred provider provides to another, then said provider is justified in having a snit every time their trick sees another woman. As Ollie said to Stan, 'this is a fine mess you've gotten us into."

I don't know if Madame Sonja is on this forum, but as someone who eschews monogamy, I would welcome her take.
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Post by Sonja »

I want my lovers to be happy and that does not require that they limit their experiences only to me. The possession thing reminds me of the schoolyard promise, "Okay you can be my friend but you can't be friends with anyone else, okay?"
Sharing can be a sexy part of the relationship no matter how things get mixed up.  I have enjoyed consciously and actively helping my favorite men pick ladies that will give them a boost of variety.  I have mixed it up with other ladies in the house to give my lovers over-the-top experiences. All of that makes our one-on-one sex more vibrant & actually works to give us a stronger bond with each other.

Many of my lovers have expressed excitement at the fact that other men desire me.  In a way it's a high-Five to them "Good Choice. man!" every time someone else agrees that I'm the best pick for a good time.

There was only one time it was a problem & it was her fault. That was an aberration, though.  The vast majority of courtesans are fun-loving, honorable, and mostly sane. 
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Post by Mikey »

No, I'm glad if she's doing well. If she gets called for a line-up as we're walking back to the parlor, I hope she gets picked. I'm married and I probably look at the relationship as more business than if I were single, and I have no intention of taking it any further.
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