Courtesan - Victim or Entrepreneur

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Courtesan - Victim or Entrepreneur


Post by Funmonger »

The "Close the brothels" movement portrays ALL Courtesans not as Professionals but rather as victims of everything from ruined childhoods to victims of sex trafficking. One thing though that was included as an additional argument to close the brothels was that the idea that a new recruit to the brothel can make a lot of money is a "lie" and therefore the new unwitting sex worker is a "victim" for even giving the business a try.  Well, excuse me, but nobody drafted them into the business. By the way, that so-called "lie" is the same one told to every salesperson in about every commission sales job around.

A girl who joins a Brothel has chosen the path of the Entrepreneur and not that of aperson with a guaranteed paycheck. Success in any self employment commission sales job is never guaranteed and so those who choose this "road less traveled" in life, are not victims but I would argue, opportunists.Having been someone who started selling door to door in grade school and having built a career out of very little to start, I reject the negative attitudes of the failures and those who would shut down Brothels with this being one of the reasons. It is not valid at all. Moreover, it is reflective of the paradigm shift from the individual to Government "protection" at the expense of individual liberty.

[/size]The difference between the sex trafficked, street workers and drug addicts who are dependent on pimps on the street and all of the bad stuff we hear about prostitution in the news and LPIN is easy for those who indulge to see. The Professional Courtesan typically works in a Legal Brothel, is a business woman and does not see herself as a victim. Based on my own business experience in a different industry, the moment the LPIN thinks of herself as a "victim" I would think that she is doomed to failure.

I was on this soapbox so long ago, it started sometime before puberty. These people who want to tell the rest of us what is right for us under the law need to realize that there are consequences to all of this. Prohibition has been tried before and it failed miserably. [/size]
Last edited by Funmonger on Thu Sep 20, 2018 8:00 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Funmonger »

Ok, as crazy as it is, I will reply to my own post. I guess that what I'm feeling is a lot of frustration that the Brothels could close and it is 100 % based upon a smear campaign and if it really happens, we all know who the big contributors are. I feel powerless and I do not prefer the usual outlets that I had prior to finding LPIN.
Also, like most of you, over the years, I have developed many good friends in LPIN, and I'd hate to see a lot of great ladies get hurt by what is becoming more societal repression than ever. One thing is for sure. They will never eliminate "pay for play."
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Post by Funmonger »

Yes, they are Roxanne. And they portray the LPIN Professionals as scared little children. If only they had a clue in the first place but then there is "none so blind as those who will not see."