Indoor cardio workouts

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Indoor cardio workouts


Post by SixT9er »

I’ve been trying to lose weight and get in shape. During the summer 3 days a week I’d go on 1 hr+ walks and the other 3 days I’d go on 1hr+ bike rides. Later I’d substitute a bike ride for a mountain hike of around 3 hrs. I can say that this has resulted in 30+ lbs lost and lower blood pressure and all around better quality of life.

Now it’s winter and I can’t do my outside activities so I’m forced inside to the gym. The good thing about the gym is now I can start working in my upper body muscles again as they were neglected over the summer the bad thing is everything I do in the gym cardio wise is such a drudge! A half hr in the stationary bike feels like 2hrs! The treadmill is the same. I listen to audiobooks but time still goes so slowly in the gym! I will of course continue on with it all as I have committed to getting healthy but I sure wish it weren’t so damn boring! Lol
A Lady can ask any price and the client can always walk. If you accept her offer it's on you so don't bitch about it!
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Post by Lomez »

It takes too long to get your heart rate up on a bike, treadmill, stepper, etc.

Here's what I do: I start with a nonstop circuit of 20 kettlebell swings, 15-20 side bends with the kettlebell, 15-20 pushups, and skip rope 20-30 times. Rest a minute, then repeat the cycle three more times. Then I get on the cross trainer or other gear with my heart rate up, go 45 seconds hard, followed by 1:15 normal speed, and cycle that for 20 minutes. Weight loss, tone, and endurance.
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Post by MrTShirt »

SixT9er link wrote: ....I will of course continue on with it all as I have committed to getting healthy but I sure wish it weren’t so damn boring! Lol
I know.  I always have the solution.
Just exercise with a sexy lady.  :P
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Post by SixT9er »

Lomez, for me it’s no problem getting my heart rate up fast. An extra 100lbs does that!

T Shirt, every chance I get!
A Lady can ask any price and the client can always walk. If you accept her offer it's on you so don't bitch about it!
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Post by billwh »

SixT9er link wrote: I’ve been trying to lose weight and get in shape. During the summer 3 days a week I’d go on 1 hr+ walks and the other 3 days I’d go on 1hr+ bike rides. Later I’d substitute a bike ride for a mountain hike of around 3 hrs. I can say that this has resulted in 30+ lbs lost and lower blood pressure and all around better quality of life.

Now it’s winter and I can’t do my outside activities so I’m forced inside to the gym. The good thing about the gym is now I can start working in my upper body muscles again as they were neglected over the summer the bad thing is everything I do in the gym cardio wise is such a drudge! A half hr in the stationary bike feels like 2hrs! The treadmill is the same. I listen to audiobooks but time still goes so slowly in the gym! I will of course continue on with it all as I have committed to getting healthy but I sure wish it weren’t so damn boring! Lol

I live in the Chicago area and still walk year round. In fact I prefer any season other than summer because I don't like the heat. I never really cared for treadmills or bikes or any cardio indoors.

In addition to 1 hr - 1 1/2 hour walks I lift moderate weights 3x a week. It's important to keep it moderate as you get older, I tore a rotator cuff 6 years ago that still bothers me somewhat to this day. I did that by NOT being moderate.
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Post by MrTShirt »

billwh link wrote: ...I tore a rotator cuff 6 years ago that still bothers me somewhat to this day....
What I hear about joint treatment is that the shoulder is the worst for recovery (compared to hip and knee).
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Post by billwh »

MrTShirt link wrote: What I hear about joint treatment is that the shoulder is the worst for recovery (compared to hip and knee).

I've done everything except get surgery because my arm would be in a sling for at least six weeks, and living alone and taking care of myself - or trying to - that ain't gonna work. Even WITH surgery, there is no guarantee they can fix it 100% and there is a long recovery of physical therapy.

So, I've been to chiropractors, physical therapists, given various exercises, which I have kept up with and I get only temporary relief.

Oh, about my dedication to exercise - today I walked a total of an hour and a half - in the rain. Only if it's pouring down really heavily or if the temperature is below 10 degrees will I not walk outside. To me exercise is an addiction, one of the few good addictions I've had!